Day 1 :
- Bio Pharmaceuticals
Session Introduction
Claudia Ferrioti
University of Bath, UK
Title: Trvp2 plays a critical role in hepoxilin A3-medited neutrophil transepithelial chemotaxis

Claudia Feriotti has her expertise in host-pathogens interactions and innate immunity, her current work is on the identification of molecules secreted by the intestinal epithelial cells which can control neutrophil transmigration from the intestinal lamina propria to the lumen in homeostatic environment or in the intestinal inflammatory diseases. She examines epithelial transcytosis mechanisms used by bacterial toxins for the delivery of biotherapeutics such as proteins, peptides, and siRNA. Her previous work was on the study of Klebsiella pneumonia-host interactions in human pulmonary infections. She analysed the Type I interferon function in the intracellular signalling pathways driven by Klebsiella infection in macrophages.
Neutrophil transepithelial migration and accumulation at mucosal surfaces is a hallmark of many inflammatory conditions. Recent studies have demonstrated lipids secreted from the luminal surface of intestinal epithelial cells to regulate this event with N-acyl ethanolamine-type (NAE) endocannabinoids (eCBs) suppressing and the eicosanoid hepoxilin A3 (HxA3) activating the chemotaxis of neutrophils across this mucosal barrier. We hypothesized that directional chemotaxis of neutrophils mediated by HxA3 should involve cell-surface receptor(s). Here, we identify a role for the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 2 (TRPV2) in HxA3-mediated chemotaxis that drives neutrophil transepithelial migration.
Methods: Human promyelocytic cells (HL-60), differentiated (dHL-60) into a neutrophil-like phenotype, were used in a surface internalization-biased protocol, and proteomic analysis of internalized materials following HxA3 exposure identified receptor candidates. Cell migration assays were performed in Transwell polycarbonate membrane plates using dHL-60 cells on the upper chamber, followed by the addition of chemoattractant HxA3 or fMLP or 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane (2-APB), a non-specific TRP channel activator in the bottom chamber. siRNA-knock-down of CB2R and TRPV2 genes in dHL-60 cells were performed for their ability to block HxA3- dHL-60 cell migration.
Results: TRPV2 was identified in the proteomic screen. The CB2R agonists individually blocked HxA3 and 2-APB-induced migration of dHL-60 cells. Our data suggests TRPV2 interacts with CB2R, linking these two elements in a potentially coordinated chemotactic function that could be used to position neutrophils in the lamina propria in a state of readiness for transepithelial migration induced by the apical epithelial secretion of HxA3.
- Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
Session Introduction
Dr. Atul Jain
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Title: knowledge, attitude and practices among nurses towards pharmacovigilance programme of india and reporting of adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital in india

Dr Atul Jain has graduated from medical school in 1984, and completed his residency in Pharmacology in 1990 in Delhi India. He is currently working as Professor and Head of the Department Pharmacology at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh; India. He is actively involved in the patient-oriented research. He has published several papers in reputed journals.
Spontaneous reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) is essential for the success of Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI). Nurses usually being the first contact person for patients in hospital setting, play an important role in reporting ADRs. The major obstacle for PvPI is inadequate and improper reporting of ADRs by health care professionals including nurses. So, the present study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices among nurses towards PvPI and reporting of ADRs. This is a questionnaire based cross sectional study. A total of 120 nurses who were working in a tertiary care hospital were included in the study. Questionnaire to assess their knowledge, attitude and practices towards Pharmacovigilance Program of India and reporting of adverse drug reactions were distributed. After receiving the response, the data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics using SPSS software. On evaluation of the questionnaire feedback forms for knowledge, attitude and practices of nurses towards PvPI, it was found that despite satisfactory level of knowledge and positive attitude of nurses, the ADR reporting practices among them was inadequate and it needs to be enhanced. It is necessary to develop an ADR reporting culture among nurses by increasing awareness and proper communication for an effective Pharmacovigilance system.
- Drug Delivery and Targeting
Session Introduction
Nilesh R Makwana
Microbiologist, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
Title: Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using tridax procumbens aqueous leaf extract and their antiproliferative activity against cancer cell lines

Nilesh Makwana, is a Microbiologist and graduate student at School of life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. My research work on medicinal plant, its Anti-cancer and Anti-microbial potentiality. Cancer is a leading growing global public health concern. There has been a sufficient scientific advent, which owes to research in last six decades, however, still search of a miraculous anticancer compound is yet to be achieved. My work involves, green synthesis of silver Nanoparticles doped with Tridax procumbens phytochemicals. The nanoparticles exhibited an anticancer potentiality against A549 -a human lung carcinoma cells (Pungle et. al., 2022).
Natural products have been considered more sustainable over chemical drugs, those have failed either due to severe side effects or drug resistance. Green synthesis of metal-nanoparticles using medicinal plants extract is gaining attention due to profound applications for secondary metabolite, those are natural products. Present study describes antiproliferative activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized using the aqueous leaf extract of Tridax procumbens. Aqueous leaf extract of T. procumbens served as a reducing and capping agent in biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles. The biosynthesized T. procumbens silver nanoparticles (TNPs) were characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The phytochemicals responsible for the reduction and capping of biosynthesized TNPs were deciphered through separation and mass spectrometry principles. Antiproliferative activity of TNP was evaluated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay on a few selected cell lines; A549, and B16 F10 immortal, while HEK293 being the finite cell line. Cellular cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that TNPs exhibits antiproliferative activity against both, A549 and B16F10 with IC50 values 42.70ug/ml and 2.64ug/ml, respectively. Molecular characterization of TNPs synthesized using T. procumbens crude extract and HPLC fraction-11 showed presence of differential phytomolecules. The HPLC fraction originated TNPs showed presence of fosinopril and reducing agents such as peptides (Gln-Gly-Ala, Ser-Pro-Asn, and Leu-Met), terpenoids (lupanyl acid, tiamulin), polyphenol (peucenin), and alkaloids (8′,10′-dihydroxydihydroergotamine, carteolol) phytomolecules, suggesting potential role to the dipeptides/tripeptides in cancer therapy. To decipher antiproliferative mechanism exerted by the TNP in A549 cells was studied with RNA sequencing approach. Monolayer treated with 10 ug along with non-treated monolayers were subjected for RNA sequencing. Primary analysis indicated 15 genes were upregulated while 17 genes were downregulated in the cells treated with 10 ug TNP.
- Nanobiotechnology
Session Introduction
Luis Jesus Villarreal-Gómez
University of Sonora, México
Title: Mucoadhesive electrospun fibers in oral drug delivery

Dr. Luis Jesús Villarreal-Gómez, studied Chemistry-Biology at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo, México and graduated in 2004. He then received his Ph.D. degree in 2013 at the University Autonomous of Baja California, Tijuana, México where he joined as a full research professor. Dr. Villarreal is founder and editor in chief of the Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT) (ISSN 2594-1925) and is editorial board member of several journals edited from MDPI, Hindawi, BenthamOpen, amongst others. Until now, he has published 35 papers and has reviewed more than 139 reviews. His research lines are biomaterials, tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and biotechnology.
The necessity of new systems for drug delivery in children due to the difficulty of the correct dose administration when the drug carrier is not easy to administrate. Mucoadhesive electrospun fibrous systems are an interesting alternative for the treatment of pathologies in the oral cavity due to their capacity to release pharmaceutical drugs at a fast and sustained rate. Electrospun fibers have many characteristics that make them ideal drug carriers for local delivery. Mucoadhesives fibrous systems of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) loaded with propranolol and dexamethasone phosphate will be discussed for their potential application in the oral cavity. Physicochemical (SEM, FTIR, TGA, DSC) and biological (MTT assay) characterization will be described in order to present the morphology, chemical composition, and thermal behavior of the fibrous mats, and cytotoxicity in fibroblast will be visualized, drug delivery rate, mucoadhesive and degradation rate will be also discussed. The evaluated mucoadhesive loaded fibers presented potential characteristics to be used in the oral cavity, where successfully tridimensional fibrous scaffolds were fabricated with an average fiber diameter of about 368 ± 161 nm, thermal stability higher than 250oC, fibers were degraded completely before 15 min and high mucoadhesive and biocompatibility in fibroblast were observed. PVP loaded fibers with dexamethasone phosphate are proposed for endodontic procedures avoiding injection of the anti-inflammatory drug and PVA loaded fibers with propranolol for the treatment of hemangiomas in children.

Salah Abdel-Gawad Aly is a highly esteemed professor specializing in reinforced concrete structures, with a wealth of experience and expertise in his field. He has made significant contributions to the advancement of construction and engineering practices throughout his career. Currently serving as a professor at the Housing & Building National Research Center (HPNRC) in Cairo, Egypt, Salah Abdel-Gawad Aly has dedicated his life to teaching, research, and the development of innovative solutions for the construction industry.
A judicious use of resources, by using by-products and waste materials, and a lower environmental impact, by reducing carbon dioxide emission and virgin aggregate extraction, allow approaching sustainable building development. Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) containing supplementary cementitious material (SCM), if satisfactory concrete properties are achieved, can be an example of such sustainable construction materials. Fine recycled aggregates are seen as the last choice in recycling for concrete production. Many references quote their detrimental influence on the most important characteristics of concrete; compressive and tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; water absorption; shrinkage; carbonation and chloride penetration. These two last characteristics are fundamental in terms of the long-term durability or reinforced concrete. This paper deals with the short-term deflection of reinforced super Crete beams made of sea-sand as recycled fine aggregate (RFA). Experimental work was carried out to investigate the effects of tension & compression reinforcement ratios and span- to-depth ratio on the short-term deflection. Based on the experimental results of the tested specimens, the present study shows that the sea-sand as recycled fine aggregate (RFA) can be successfully used as a construction material for flexural members subjected to different types of loading provided that adding an organic polymer to the mixing water to limit the Cl- and SO3 content and to control the pH value up to the specified limit according to the Egyptian code. The test results showed also that the maximum deflection of the test specimens decreases with the increase of the reinforcement ratio. On the other hand, the deflection increases with the increase in span-to-depth ratio. This paper presents the main results of this research, drawing some conclusions on the feasibility of using this type of aggregate in structural concrete, while taking into account any ensuing obvious positive environmental impact.